Cărţile sunt moştenirile pe care marile spirite le lasă omenirii, care sunt date din generaţie în generaţie ca daruri pentru posteritatea celor care nu s-au născut încă. 
Joseph Addison
Un film este un izvor pietrificat al gândirii. Un film reinvie fapte neinsufleţite. Un film permite cuiva să dea aparenţa realităţii la ceea ce este ireal.
Jean Cocteau
 Cultura reprezintă o moştenire ce se transmite cu ajutorul codurilor de comunicaţie specifice cum sunt gesturile ori cuvintele, scrisul şi artele, mass media, media interactivă. În acelaşi fel se transmit gesturile, ritualurile, cunoştinţele teoretice, normele abstracte, religia. Cultura poate fi însuşita prin diverse forme ale memoriei subiective dar şi prin intermediul memoriei obiective. Cultura reprezinta o serie de caracteristici distincte a unei societăţi sau grupă socială în termeni spirituali, materiali, intelectuali sau emoţionali.
  In viata cauta calitatea lucrurilor si nu multimea lor
Top quality
 Muzica începe acolo unde cuvântul este neputincios, muzica există pentru a exprima inexprimabilul; aş vrea ca ea să pară a ieşi din neguri şi, din când în când să se reîntoarcă în neguri, să fie totdeauna discretă.
Claude Debussy
1. 1984 by George Orwell
2. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
3. The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
4. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
5. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
6. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
7. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
8. Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
9. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
10. The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky
11. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
12. Animal Farm by George Orwell
13. Lord of the Flies by William Golding
14. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
15. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
16. Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling
17. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
18. Ulysses by James Joyce
19. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
20. The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
21. East of Eden by John Steinbeck
22. Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
23. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
24. One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
25. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
26. War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
27. Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
28. Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
29. Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
30. Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes
31. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
32. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
33. The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
34. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
35. A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
36. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
37. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
38. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
39. The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner
40. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
41. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
42. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey
43. The Stranger by Albert Camus
44. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
45. Moby Dick by Herman Melville
46. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
47. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce
48. The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
49. Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
50. Remembrance of Things Past by Marcel Proust
51. Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
52. Watership Down by Richard Adams
53. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
54. The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
55. Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
56. His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman
57. A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
58. Life of Pi by Yann Martel
59. Middlemarch by George Eliot
60. A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole
61. On the Road by Jack Kerouac
62. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
63. Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
64. The Stand by Stephen King
65. Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
66. David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
67. Dracula by Bram Stoker
68. The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoevsky
69. Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy
70. Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
71. The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera
72. A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving
73. The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
74. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
75. Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk
76. To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
77. The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
78. For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway
79. Dune by Frank Herbert
80. The Trial by Franz Kafka
81. Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
82. Of Human Bondage by W. Somerset Maugham
83. Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon
84. The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas
85. The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco
86. As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner
87. The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver
88. Persuasion by Jane Austen
89. The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
90. Atonement by Ian McEwan
91. Emma by Jane Austen
92. Beloved by Toni Morrison
93. Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy
94. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon
95. Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabokov
96. I, Claudius by Robert Graves
97. Light in August by William Faulkner
98. Angels and Demons by Dan Brown
99. All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
100. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

1.The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
2.The Godfather (1972)
3.Fight Club (1999)
4.Pulp Fiction (1994)
5.Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
6.The Matrix (1999)
7.Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
8.Star Wars IV: A New Hope (1977)
9.The Dark Knight (2008)
10.Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
11.Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
12.Schindler’s List (1993)
13.The Godfather: Part II (1974)
14.Goodfellas (1990)
15.The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
16.Se7en (1995)
17.Forrest Gump (1994)
18.Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
19.One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975)
20.The Departed (2006)
21.Saving Private Ryan (1998)
22.Back to the Future (1985)
23.Rear Window (1954)
24.Braveheart (1995)
25.Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
26.Casablanca (1942)
27.Good, the Bad and the Ugly ( Buono, il brutto, il cattivo, Il ) (1966)
28.American Beauty (1999)
29.Memento (2001)
30.12 Angry Men (1957)
31.The Shining (1980)
32.Blade Runner (1982)
33.Seven Samurai, The ( Shichinin no samurai ) (1954)
34.The Big Lebowski (1998)
35.Batman Begins (2005)
36.The Usual Suspects (1995)
37.No Country for Old Men (2007)
38.The Princess Bride (1987)
39.Die Hard (1988)
40.Dr. Strangelove (1964)
41.Taxi Driver (1976)
42.Citizen Kane (1941)
43.Apocalypse Now (1979)
44.Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
45.Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi (1983)
46.Pan’s Labyrinth ( Laberinto del Fauno, El ) (2006)
47.Alien (1979)
48.Psycho (1960)
49.Gladiator (2000)
50.Reservoir Dogs (1992)
51.Office Space (1999)
52.North by Northwest (1959)
53.American History X (1998)
54.Aliens (1986)
55.A Clockwork Orange (1971)
56.There Will Be Blood (2007)
57.To Kill A Mockingbird (1962)
58.The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)
59.Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
60.Vertigo (1958)
61.Jaws (1975)
62.The Sixth Sense (1999)
63.Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)
64.City of God ( Cidade de Deus ) (2003)
65.Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
66.The Wizard of Oz (1939)
67.Iron Man (2008)
68.Full Metal Jacket (1987)
69.Cast Away (2000)
70.Chinatown (1974)
71.Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)
72.It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)
73.Amadeus (1984)
74.Children of Men (2006)
75.Young Frankenstein (1974)
76.Fargo (1996)
77.Raging Bull (1980)
78.Shaun of the Dead (2004)
79.The Bourne Identity (2002)
80.The Lion King (1994)
81.Kill Bill: Volume 1 (2003)
82.Juno (2007)
83.Sunset Boulevard (1950)
84.Donnie Brasco (2001)
85.Jurassic Park (1993)
86.Night of the Living Dead (1968)
87.Persona ( Kinematografi ) (1966)
88.The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
89.Wall-E (2008)
90.Edward Scissorhands (1990)
91.Sin City (2005)
92.Amélie ( Fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain, Le ) (2001)
93.Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986)
94.The Sting (1973)
95.Unforgiven (1992)
96.Cool Hand Luke (1967)
97.The Pianist (2002)
98.Seventh Seal, The ( Det Sjunde inseglet ) (1958)
99.Oldboy (2005)
100.Blue Velvet (1986)
McStyle © 2009

 1 Dali - Copil geopolitic privind nasterea omului nou
 2 Dali - Persistenta memoriei 
 3 Da Vinci - Mona Lisa
 4 Picasso - Dora Maar
 5 Van Gogh - Autoportret
 6 Da Vinci - Fecioara cu Pruncul si Sfanta Ana
 7 Rembrandt - Moara 
 8 Picasso - Domnisoarele din Avignon
 9 Dali - O secunda inaintea trezirii...
10 Michelangelo - Crearea omului
The Rolling Stone 500 Greatest Songs of All Time
  1. Johann Sebastian Bach Toccata for keyboard in D minor, BWV 913 (BC L144) 2:47
  2. Johann Pachelbel Canon and gigue, for 3 violins & continuo in D major, T. 337 (Canon in D) 4:24
  3. Johann Sebastian Bach Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G major, BWV 1048 (1st movement) 5:34
  4. George Frederick Handel Water Music Suite No.2 for orchestra in D major, HWV 349 9:41
  5. Henry Purcell Trumpet Tune ("Cibell") for harpsichord in C major, ZT 678 2:57
  6. Johann Sebastian Bach Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D major, BWV 1068 (Air) 4:32
  7. Antonio Vivaldi Violin Concerto, for violin, strings & continuo in E major ("La Primavera," The Four Seasons; "Il cimento" No. 1), Op.8/1, RV 269 10:30
  8. Tomaso Albinoni Adagio, for violin, strings & organ in G minor, T. Mi 26 (composed by Remo Giazotto; not by Albinoni) 9:52
  9. Antonio Vivaldi Mandolin Concerto, for mandolin, strings & continuo in C major, RV 425 7:43
  10. Johann Sebastian Bach Orchestral Suite No. 2 in B minor, BWV 1067 (Minuet and Badinerie) 2:54
  11. George Frederick Handel Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56 (Hallelujah) 3:53
  12. Christoph Willibald Gluck Dance of the Blessed Spirits (Melody), arrangement (from "Orfeo ed Euridice") 7:27
  13. Johann Sebastian Bach Weihnachtsoratorium (Christmas Oratorio), in six parts, BWV 248 (BC D7) (Sinfonia in G) 5:35
  14. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto No. 3 in G major, K. 216 (1st movement) 9:32
  15. George Frederick Handel Largo in F major, instrumental arrangement ("Ombra mai fu" from the opera Serse) 3:07
  16. Antonio Vivaldi Flute Concerto, for flute, strings & continuo in G minor ("La Notte"), Op. 10/2, RV 439 (6. Allegro) 2:02
  17. George Frederick Handel Solomon, oratorio, HWV 67 (Arrival of the Queen of Sheba) 3:18
  18. Johann Sebastian Bach Concerto for oboe, strings & continuo in D minor (reconstruction), BWV 1059R (2nd movement) 3:07
  19. George Frederick Handel Concerto Grosso in A minor, Op.6/4, HWV 322 10:53
  20. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto No. 5 in A major ("Turkish") K. 219 (2nd movement) 10:00
  21. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade No. 13 for strings in G major ("Eine kleine Nachtmusik"), K. 525 (1st movement) 5:44
  22. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No. 21 in C major ("Elvira Madigan") K. 467 (2nd movement) 5:39
  23. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro), opera, K. 492 (Overture) 4:20
  24. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Flute Concerto No. 2 in D major, K. 314 (K. 285d) (2nd movement) 5:29
  25. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Sonata No. 11 in A major ("Alla Turca") K. 331 (K. 300i) (Rondo Alla Turca) 3:42
  26. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni, opera, K. 527 (Overture) 6:11
  27. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Horn Concerto No. 3 in E flat major, K. 447 (2nd movement) 4:24
  28. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No. 23 in A major, K. 488 (1st movement) 10:51
  29. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro), opera, K. 492 (March) 2:08
  30. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade No. 6 for orchestra in D major ("Serenata Notturna"), K. 239 13:09
  31. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No. 40 in G minor, K. 550 (1st movement) 7:39
  32. Ludwig van Beethoven Piano Sonata No. 14 in C sharp minor ("Moonlight"), Op. 27/2 (1st movement) 5:26
  33. Franz Joseph Haydn Symphony No. 92 in G major ("Oxford"/"Letter Q"), H. 1/92 (2nd movement) 6:34
  34. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute), opera, K. 620 (Overture) 7:14
  35. Ludwig van Beethoven Bagatelle for piano in A minor ("Für Elise"), WoO 59 2:52
  36. Franz Joseph Haydn String Quartet No. 62 in C major ("Emperor"), Op. 76/3, H. 3/77 (Emporor's Hymn) 7:16
  37. Ludwig van Beethoven Symphony No. 5 in C minor ("Fate"), Op. 67 (1st movement) 7:18
  38. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A major, K. 622 (2nd movement) 7:03
  39. Ludwig van Beethoven Minuet for piano in G major, WoO 10/2 2:34
  40. Franz Joseph Haydn Trumpet Concerto in E flat major, H. 7e/1 (3rd movement) 5:05
  41. Gioachino Rossini Il barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville), opera (Overture) 7:47
  42. Franz Schubert Symphony No. 8 in B minor ("Unfinished"), D. 759 (2nd movement) 10:26
  43. Felix Mendelssohn Frühlingslied ("Berg und Thal will ich durchstreifen"), song for chorus, Op. 100/3 2:46
  44. Frédéric Chopin Polonaise for piano No. 3 in A major ("Military"), Op. 40/1, CT. 152 5:16
  45. Franz Schubert Rosamunde, Fürstin von Cypern, incidental music, D. 797 (Op. 26) (Ballet Music in G) 6:36
  46. Carl Maria von Weber Der Freischütz, opera, J. 277 (Op. 77) (Overture) 10:08
  47. Franz Schubert Ellens Gesang III ("Ave Maria"), song for voice & piano, D. 839 (Op. 52/6) 4:52
  48. Felix Mendelssohn Symphony No. 4 in A major ("Italian"), Op. 90 (1st movement) 8:21
  49. Robert Schumann Kinderszenen No. 7 ("Träumerei"), for piano, Op. 15/7 3:10
  50. Franz Schubert German Dances (12) for piano (Ländler), D. 790 (Op. posth. 171) (German Dance No. 1) 3:48
  51. Felix Mendelssohn A Midsummer Night's Dream, incidental music, Op. 61 (Wedding March) 5:01
  52. Franz Liszt Liebesträume, notturno for piano No. 3 in A flat major ("O Lieb, so lang du lieben kannst"), S. 541/3 (LW A103/3) 4:17
  53. Giuseppe Verdi Nabucco, opera (Nabucodonosor) (Overture) 7:53
  54. Robert Schumann Album für die Jugend No. 10 ("Fröhlicher Landmann, von der Arbeit Zurückkehrend") for piano, Op. 68/10 0:54
  55. Franz Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody, for orchestra No. 2 in C sharp minor, S. 359/2 (LW G21/2) 10:20
  56. Richard Wagner Lohengrin, opera, WWV 75 (Prelude to Act 3) 3:12
  57. Giuseppe Verdi La Traviata, opera (Prelude to Act 1) 3:47
  58. Richard Wagner Tannhäuser, opera, WWV 70 (Arrival of the Guests at Wartburg) 6:37
  59. Felix Mendelssohn Violin Concerto in E minor, Op. 64 (2nd movement) 8:16
  60. Franz von Suppé Dichter und Bauer (Poet and Peasant), overture for orchestra 9:56
  61. Jacques Offenbach Orphée aux enfers, operetta (Overture) 9:34
  62. Anton Rubinstein Melody in F, instrumental arrangement, Op. 3/1 3:12
  63. Franz Liszt Les Préludes, symphonic poem for orchestra, S. 97 (LW G3) 16:30
  64. Johannes Brahms Waltz for piano, 4 hands in A flat major, Op. 39/15 2:26
  65. Giuseppe Verdi La forza del destino, opera (Overture) 8:09
  66. Edvard Grieg Jeg elsker Dig (I Love but Thee), song for voice & piano, Op. 5/3 1:34
  67. Bedrich Smetana Prodaná nevesta (The Bartered Bride), overture to the opera 6:38
  68. Jacques Offenbach Les contes d'Hoffmann, opera in 4 acts (Barcarolle) 3:34
  69. Johann Strauss II Tritsch-Tratsch-Polka (Chit-Chat Polka), for orchestra, Op. 214 (RV 214) 2:43
  70. Franz von Suppé Light Cavalry, overture to the operetta 6:47
  71. Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No. 1 in B flat minor, Op. 23 (1st movement) 9:00
  72. Johannes Brahms Wiegenlied ("Guten Abend, gut Nacht"), song for voice & piano, Op. 49/4 1:50
  73. Bedrich Smetana Vltava (The Moldau), symphonic poem (Má Vlast No. 2), JB 1:112/2 12:59
  74. Richard Wagner Die Walküre (The Valkyrie), opera, WWV 86b (Ride of the Valkyries) 5:26
  75. Edvard Grieg Peer Gynt Suite for orchestra (or piano or piano, 4 hands) No. 1, Op. 46 (Morning) 3:35
  76. Georges Bizet Carmen, opera (Les Toréadors) 2:19
  77. Léo Delibes Coppélia, ou La fille aux yeux d'émail, ballet (Notturno) 2:30
  78. Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky Slavonic March, for orchestra, Op. 31 9:51
  79. Georges Bizet L' Arlésienne, incidental music for voices & orchestra for the play by Alphonse Daudet (Intermezzo) 4:07
  80. Johann Strauss II An der schönen, blauen Donau (On the Beautiful, Blue Danube), waltz for orchestra (with chorus ad lib), Op. 314 (RV 314) 10:53
  81. Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky Eugene Onegin, opera, Op. 24 (Polonaise) 4:48
  82. Antonin Dvorák Symphony No. 9 in E minor ("From the New World"), B. 178 (Op. 95) (first published as No. 5) (2nd movement) 12:47
  83. Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky Nutcracker, ballet, Op. 71 (Waltz of the Flowers) 6:42
  84. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov Capriccio espagnol (Kaprichchio na ispankskiye temï), for orchestra, Op. 34 (Alborado) 1:24
  85. Edvard Grieg Våren (Last Spring), elegiac melody for orchestra (or piano) No. 2, Op. 34/2 6:08
  86. Antonin Dvorák Slavonic Dance No. 2 for orchestra in E minor, B. 83/2 (Op. 46/2) 5:31
  87. Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky The Sleeping Beauty, ballet, Op. 66 (Introduction) 2:49
  88. Richard Wagner Die Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods), opera, WWV 86d (Siegfried's Death and Funeral March) 7:00
  89. Antonin Dvorák Songs my mother taught me (Als die alte Mutter), song for voice & piano (Gypsy Melodies), B. 104/4 (Op. 55/4) 2:18
  90. Johann Strauss II Kaiser-Walzer (Emperor Waltz), for orchestra, Op. 437 (RV 437) 11:51
  91. Richard Strauss Also sprach Zarathustra (Thus Spoke Zoroaster), tone poem for orchestra, Op. 30 (TrV 176) (Fanfare) 1:37
  92. Gustav Mahler Adagietto, for orchestra (from the Symphony No. 5) 9:49
  93. Jean Sibelius Finlandia, tone poem for orchestra, Op. 26 9:04
  94. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov The Flight of the Bumble Bee, musical picture for orchestra (from The Tale of Tsar Saltan) 1:50
  95. Jules Massenet Méditation, for violin & orchestra (or other arrangement) (from opera "Thaïs") 5:10
  96. Edward Elgar Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1, for orchestra in D major, Op. 39/1 6:11
  97. Antonin Dvorák Humoresque No. 7 for piano in G flat major, B. 187/7 (Op. 101/7) 3:23
  98. Jean Sibelius Valse Triste, for orchestra (from Kuolema), Op. 44/1 4:48
  99. Johann Strauss II Wiener Blut (Vienna Blood), waltz for orchestra, Op. 354 (RV 354) 9:32
  100. Maurice Ravel Boléro, ballet for orchestra 15:27
Muzica Clasica
 1. Hey Jude by The Beatles
 2. Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin
 3. Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
 4. Let It Be by The Beatles 
 5. Imagine by John Lennon
 6. Hotel California by The Eagles
 7. Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana
 8. Like a Rolling Stone by Bob Dylan
 9. All Along the Watchtower by Jimi Hendrix
10. Satisfaction by The Rolling Stones
11. Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd
12. Yesterday by The Beatles
13. Strawberry Fields Forever by The Beatles
14. Freebird by Lynyrd Skynyrd
15. Gimme Shelter by The Rolling Stones
16. God Only Knows by The Beach Boys
17. What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong
18. Kashmir by Led Zeppelin
19. Layla by Derek and the Dominos
20. American Pie by Don McLean
21. A Day in the Life by The Beatles
22. Billie Jean by Michael Jackson
23. Tiny Dancer by Elton John
24. Back in Black by AC/DC
25. Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix
26. Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley
27. Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton
28. Blowin' in the Wind by Bob Dylan
29. Voodoo Child (slight return) by Jimi Hendrix
30. Mr. Tambourine Man by Bob Dylan
31. Thriller by Michael Jackson
32. Fire and Rain by James Taylor
33. Losing My Religion by R.E.M.
34. Sympathy for the Devil by The Rolling Stones 35. Everlong by Foo Fighters
36. Light My Fire by The Doors
37. Over the Rainbow by Judy Garland
38. The End by The Doors
39. Amazing Grace by John Newton
40. Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd
41. Don't Look Back In Anger by Oasis
42. Moonlight Sonata by Ludwig van Beethoven
43. Beat It by Michael Jackson
44. November Rain by Guns n' Roses
45. Come Together by The Beatles
46. Johnny B. Goode by Chuck Berry
47. Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen
48. London Calling by The Clash
49. Wonderwall by Oasis
50. Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd
51. Won't Get Fooled Again by The Who
52. Clair De Lune by Claude Debussy
53. Knockin' On Heaven's Door by Bob Dylan
54. Shine on You Crazy Diamond by Pink Floyd
55. Fur Elise by Ludwig Van Beethoven
56. Time by Pink Floyd
57. Let's Get it On by Marvin Gaye
58. Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison
59. The Dance by Garth Brooks
60. Piano Man by Billy Joel

Pictura este poezie tăcută.
Pictura este tăcerea minţii, muzica ochiului.
Orhan Pamuk
1. Like a Rolling Stone, Bob Dylan
2. Satisfaction, The Rolling Stones
3. Imagine, John Lennon
4. What's Going On, Marvin Gaye
5. Respect, Aretha Franklin
6. Good Vibrations, The Beach Boys
7. Johnny B. Goode, Chuck Berry
8. Hey Jude, The Beatles
9. Smells Like Teen Spirit, Nirvana
10. What'd I Say, Ray Charles
11. My Generation, The Who
12. A Change Is Gonna Come, Sam Cooke
13. Yesterday, The Beatles
14. Blowin' in the Wind, Bob Dylan
15. London Calling, The Clash
16. I Want to Hold Your Hand, The Beatles
17. Purple Haze, Jimi Hendrix
18. Maybellene, Chuck Berry
19. Hound Dog, Elvis Presley
20. Let It Be, The Beatles
21. Born to Run, Bruce Springsteen
22. Be My Baby, The Ronettes
23. In My Life, The Beatles
24. People Get Ready, The Impressions
25. God Only Knows, The Beach Boys
26. A Day in the Life, The Beatles
27. Layla, Derek and the Dominos
28. (Sittin on) the Dock of the Bay, Otis Redding
29. Help!, The Beatles
30. I Walk the Line, Johnny Cash
31. Stairway To Heaven, Led Zeppelin
32. Sympathy for the Devil, The Rolling Stones 33. River Deep - Mountain High, Ike and Tina Turner
34. You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin', The Righteous Brothers
35. Light My Fire, The Doors
36. One, U2
37. No Woman, No Cry, Bob Marley and the Wailers
38. Gimme Shelter, The Rolling Stones
39. That'll Be the Day, Buddy Holly and the Crickets
40. Dancing in the Street, Martha and the Vandellas
41. The Weight, The Band
42. Waterloo Sunset, The Kinks
43. Tutti-Frutti, Little Richard
44. Georgia on My Mind, Ray Charles
45. Heartbreak Hotel, Elvis Presley
46. Heroes, David Bowie
47. Bridge Over Troubled Water, Simon and Garfunkel
48. All Along the Watchtower, Jimi Hendrix
49. Hotel California, The Eagles
50. The Tracks of My Tears, Smokey Robinson and the Miracles
51. The Message, Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five
52. When Doves Cry, Prince
53. Anarchy in the U.K., The Sex Pistols
54. When a Man Loves a Woman, Percy Sledge
55. Louie Louie, The Kingsmen
56. Long Tall Sally, Little Richard
57. Whiter Shade of Pale, Procol Harum
58. Billie Jean, Michael Jackson
59. The Times They Are A-Changin', Bob Dylan
60. Let's Stay Together, Al Green
61. Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin On, Jerry Lee Lewis
62. Bo Diddley, Bo Diddley
63. For What It's Worth, Buffalo Springfield
64. She Loves You, The Beatles
65. Sunshine of Your Love, Cream
66. Redemption Song, Bob Marley and the Wailers
67. Jailhouse Rock, Elvis Presley
68. Tangled Up in Blue, Bob Dylan
69. Crying, Roy Orbison
70. Walk On By, Dionne Warwick
71. California Girls, The Beach Boys
72. Papa's Got a Brand New Bag, James Brown
73. Summertime Blues, Eddie Cochran
74. Superstition, Stevie Wonder
75. Whole Lotta Love, Led Zeppelin
76. Strawberry Fields Forever,The Beatles
77. Mystery Train, Elvis Presley
78. I Got You (I Feel Good), James Brown
79. Mr. Tambourine Man, The Byrds
80. I Heard It Through the Grapevine, Marvin Gaye
81. Blueberry Hill, Fats Domino
82. You Really Got Me, The Kinks
83. Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown), The Beatles
84. Every Breath You Take, The Police
85. Crazy, Patsy Cline
86. Thunder Road, Bruce Springsteen
87. Ring of Fire, Johnny Cash
88. My Girl, The Temptations
89. California Dreamin', The Mamas and The Papas
90. In the Still of the Nite, The Five Satins
91. Suspicious Minds, Elvis Presley
92. Blitzkrieg Bop, Ramones
93. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, U2
94. Good Golly, Miss Molly, Little Richard
95. Blue Suede Shoes, Carl Perkins
96. Great Balls of Fire, Jerry Lee Lewis
97. Roll Over Beethoven, Chuck Berry
98. Love and Happiness, Al Green
99. Fortunate Son, Creedence Clearwater Revival
100. You Can't Always Get What You Want, The Rolling Stones

101. Voodoo Child (Slight Return), Jimi Hendrix
102. Be-Bop-A-Lula, Gene Vincent and His Blue Caps
103. Hot Stuff, Donna Summer
104. Living for the City, Stevie Wonder
105. The Boxer, Simon and Garfunkel
106. Mr. Tambourine Man, Bob Dylan
107. Not Fade Away, Buddy Holly and the Crickets
108. Little Red Corvette, Prince
109. Brown Eyed Girl, Van Morrison
110. I've Been Loving You Too Long (to Stop Now), Otis Redding
111. I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry, Hank Williams
112. That's All Right, Elvis Presley
113. Up on the Roof, The Drifters
114. Da Doo Ron Ron (When He Walked Me Home), The Crystals
115. You Send Me, Sam Cooke
116. Honky Tonk Women, The Rolling Stones
117. Take Me to the River , Al Green
118. Shout (Parts 1 and 2)], The Isley Brothers 119. Go Your Own Way, Fleetwood Mac
120. I Want You Back,The Jackson 5
121. Stand By Me, Ben E. King
122. House of the Rising Sun, The Animals
123. It's a Man's Man's Man's World, James Brown
124. Jumpin' Jack Flash, The Rolling Stones
125. Will You Love Me Tomorrow, The Shirelles
126. Shake, Rattle & Roll, Big Joe Turner
127. Changes, David Bowie
128. Rock & Roll Music, Chuck Berry
129. Born to Be Wild, Steppenwolf
130. Maggie May, Rod Stewart
131. With or Without You, U2
132. Who Do You Love, Bo Diddley
133. Won't Get Fooled Again, The Who
134. In the Midnight Hour, Wilson Pickett
135. While My Guitar Gently Weeps, The Beatles
136. Your Song, Elton John
137. Eleanor Rigby, The Beatles
138. Family Affair, Sly and the Family Stone
139. I Saw Her Standing There, The Beatles
140. Kashmir, Led Zeppelin
141. All I Have to Do Is Dream, The Everly Brothers
142. Please, Please, Please, James Brown
143. Purple Rain, Prince
144. I Wanna Be Sedated, The Ramones
145. Everyday People, Sly and the Family Stone
146. Rock Lobster, The B-52's
147. Lust for Life, Iggy Pop
148. Me and Bobby McGee, Janis Joplin
149. Cathy's Clown, The Everly Brothers
150. Eight Miles High, The Byrds
151. Earth Angel, The Penguins
152. Foxey Lady, Jimi Hendrix
153. A Hard Day's Night, The Beatles
154. Rave On, Buddy Holly and the Crickets
155. Proud Mary, Creedence Clearwater Revival
156. The Sounds of Silence, Simon and Garfunkel
157. I Only Have Eyes for You, The Flamingos
158. (We're Gonna) Rock Around the Clock, Bill Haley and His Comets
159. I'm Waiting for the Man, The Velvet Underground
160. Bring the Noise, Public Enemy
161. I Can't Stop Loving You, Ray Charles
162. Nothing Compares 2 U, Sinead O'Connor
163. Bohemian Rhapsody, Queen
164. Folsom Prison Blues, Johnny Cash
165. Fast Car, Tracy Chapman
166. Lose Yourself , Eminem
167. Let's Get It On, Marvin Gaye
168. Papa Was a Rollin' Stone, The Temptations
169. Losing My Religion, R.E.M.
170. Both Sides Now, Joni Mitchell
171. Dancing Queen, Abba
172. Dream On, Aerosmith
173. God Save the Queen, The Sex Pistols
174. Paint It, Black, The Rolling Stones
175. I Fought the Law, The Bobby Fuller Four
176. Don't Worry Baby, The Beach Boys
177. Free Fallin', Tom Petty
178. September Gurls, Big Star
179. Love Will Tear Us Apart, Joy Division
180. Hey Ya!, Outkast
181. Green Onions, Booker T. and the MG's
182. Save the Last Dance for Me, The Drifters 183. The Thrill Is Gone, B.B. King
184. Please Please Me, The Beatles
185. Desolation Row, Bob Dylan
186. I Never Loved a Man (The Way I Love You), Aretha Franklin
187. Back in Black, AC/DC
188. Who'll Stop the Rain,Creedence Clearwater Revival
189. Stayin' Alive, The Bee Gees
190. Knocking on Heaven's Door, Bob Dylan
191. Free Bird, Lynyrd Skynyrd
192. Wichita Lineman, Glen Campbell
193. There Goes My Baby, The Drifters
194. Peggy Sue, Buddy Holly
195. Maybe, The Chantels
196. Sweet Child O' Mine, Guns N' Roses
197. Don't Be Cruel, Elvis Presley
198. Hey Joe, Jimi Hendrix
199. Flash Light, Parliament
200. Loser, Beck

201. Bizarre Love Triangle, New Order
202. Come Together, The Beatles
203. Positively 4th Street, Bob Dylan
204. Try a Little Tenderness, Otis Redding
205. Lean On Me, Bill Withers
206. Reach Out, I'll Be There, The Four Tops
207. Bye Bye Love, The Everly Brothers
208. Gloria, Them
209. In My Room, The Beach Boys
210. 96 Tears, ? and the Mysterians
211. Caroline, No, The Beach Boys
212. 1999, Prince
213. Your Cheatin' Heart, Hank Williams
214. Rockin' in the Free World, Neil Young
215. Sh-Boom, The Chords
216. Do You Believe in Magic, The Lovin' Spoonful
217. Jolene, Dolly Parton
218. Boom Boom, John Lee Hooker
219. Spoonful, Howlin' Wolf
220. Walk Away Renee, The Left Banke
221. Walk on the Wild Side, Lou Reed
222. Oh, Pretty Woman, Roy Orbison
223. Dance to the Music, Sly and the Family Stone
224. Good Times, Chic
225. Hoochie Coochie Man, Muddy Waters
226. Moondance, Van Morrison
227. Fire and Rain, James Taylor
228. Should I Stay or Should I Go, The Clash
229. Mannish Boy, Muddy Waters
230. Just Like a Woman, Bob Dylan
231. Sexual Healing, Marvin Gaye
232. Only the Lonely, Roy Orbison
233. We Gotta Get Out of This Place, The Animals
234. I'll Feel a Whole Lot Better, The Byrds
235. I Got a Woman, Ray Charles
236. Everyday, Buddy Holly and the Crickets
237. Planet Rock, Afrika Bambaataa and the Soul Sonic Force
238. I Fall to Pieces, Patsy Cline
239. The Wanderer, Dion
240. Son of a Preacher Man, Dusty Springfield
241. Stand!, Sly and the Family Stone
242. Rocket Man, Elton John
243. Love Shack, The B-52's
244. Gimme Some Lovin', The Spencer Davis Group
245. The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down,
The Band
246. (Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher, Jackie Wilson
247. Hot Fun in the Summertime,Sly and the Family Stone
248. Rappers Delight, The Sugarhill Gang
249. Chain of Fools, Aretha Franklin
250. Paranoid, Black Sabbath
251. Mack the Knife, Bobby Darin
252. Money Honey, The Drifters
253. All the Young Dudes, Mott the Hoople
254. Highway to Hell, AC/DC
255. Heart of Glass, Blondie
256. Paranoid Android, Radiohead
257. Wild Thing, The Troggs
258. I Can See for Miles, The Who
259. Hallelujah, Jeff Buckley
260. Oh, What a Night, The Dells
261. Higher Ground, Stevie Wonder
262. Ooo Baby Baby, Smokey Robinson
263. He's a Rebel, The Crystals
264. Sail Away, Randy Newman
265. Tighten Up, Archie Bell and the Drells
266. Walking in the Rain, The Ronettes
267. Personality Crisis, New York Dolls
268. Sunday Bloody Sunday, U2
269. Roadrunner, The Modern Lovers
270. He Stopped Loving Her Today, George Jones
271. Sloop John B, The Beach Boys
272. Sweet Little Sixteen, Chuck Berry
273. Something, The Beatles
274. Somebody to Love, Jefferson Airplane
275. Born in the U.S.A., Bruce Springsteen
276. I'll Take You There, The Staple Singers
277. Ziggy Stardust, David Bowie
278. Pictures of You, The Cure
279. Chapel of Love, The Dixie Cups
280. Ain't No Sunshine, Bill Withers
281. You Are the Sunshine of My Life, Stevie Wonder
282. Help Me, Joni Mitchell
283. Call Me, Blondie
284. (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace Love and Understanding?, Elvis Costello and the Attractions
285. Smoke Stack Lightning, Howlin' Wolf
286. Summer Babe, Pavement
287. Walk This Way, Run-DMC
288. Money (That's What I Want), Barrett Strong
289. Can't Buy Me Love, The Beatles
290. Stan, Eminem featuring Dido
291. She's Not There, The Zombies
292. Train in Vain, The Clash
293. Tired of Being Alone, Al Green
294. Black Dog, Led Zeppelin
295. Street Fighting Man, The Rolling Stones
296. Get Up, Stand Up, Bob Marley and the Wailers
297. Heart of Gold, Neil Young
298. One Way or Another, Blondie
299. Sign 'O' the Times, Prince
300. Like a Prayer, Madonna

301. Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?, Rod Stewart
302. Blue Eyes Crying In the Rain, Willie Nelson
303. Ruby Tuesday, The Rolling Stones
304. With a Little Help From My Friends, The Beatles
305. Say It Loud -- I'm Black and Proud, James Brown
306. That's Entertainment, The Jam
307. Why Do Fools Fall In Love, Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers
308. Lonely Teardrops, Jackie Wilson
309. What's Love Got To Do With It, Tina Turner
310. Iron Man, Black Sabbath
311. Wake Up Little Susie, The Everly Brothers
312. In Dreams, Roy Orbison
313. I Put a Spell on You, Screamin' Jay Hawkins
314. Comfortably Numb, Pink Floyd
315. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood, The Animals
316. Wish You Were Here, Pink Floyd
317. Many Rivers to Cross, Jimmy Cliff
318. Alison, Elvis Costello
319. School's Out, Alice Cooper
320. Heartbreaker, Led Zeppelin
321. Cortez the Killer, Neil Young
322. Fight the Power, Public Enemy
323. Dancing Barefoot, Patti Smith Group
324. Baby Love, The Supremes
325. Good Lovin', The Young Rascals
326. Get Up (I Feel Like Being a) Sex Machine, James Brown
327. For Your Precious Love, Jerry Butler and the Impressions
328. The End, The Doors
329. That's the Way of the World, Earth, Wind and Fire
330. We Will Rock You, Queen
331. I Can't Make You Love Me, Bonnie Raitt
332. Subterranean Homesick Blues, Bob Dylan
333. Spirit in the Sky, Norman Greenbaum
334. Wild Horses, The Rolling Stones
335. Sweet Jane, The Velvet Underground
336. Walk This Way, Aerosmith
337. Beat It, Michael Jackson
338. Maybe I'm Amazed, Paul McCartney
339. You Keep Me Hanging On, The Supremes
340. Baba O'Riley, The Who
341. The Harder They Come, Jimmy Cliff
342. Runaround Sue, Dion
343. Jim Dandy, Lavern Baker
344. Piece of My Heart, Big Brother and the Holding Company
345. La Bamba, Ritchie Valens
346. California Love, Dr. Dre and 2Pac
347. Candle in the Wind, Elton John
348. That Lady (Part 1 and 2), The Isley Brothers
349. Spanish Harlem, Ben E. King
350. The Locomotion, Little Eva
351. The Great Pretender, The Platters
352. All Shook Up, Elvis Presley
353. Tears in Heaven, Eric Clapton
354. Watching the Detectives, Elvis Costello
355. Bad Moon Rising, Creedence Clearwater Revival
356. Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This), Eurythmics
357. Little Wing, Jimi Hendrix
358. Nowhere to Run, Martha and the Vandellas
359. Got My Mojo Working, Muddy Waters
360. Killing Me Softly With His Song, Roberta Flack
361. Complete Control, The Clash
362. All You Need Is Love, The Beatles
363. The Letter, The Box Tops
364. Highway 61 Revisited, Bob Dylan
365. Unchained Melody, The Righteous Brothers
366. How Deep Is Your Love, The Bee Gees
367. White Room, Cream
368. Personal Jesus, Depeche Mode
369. I'm A Man, Bo Diddley
370. The Wind Cries Mary, Jimi Hendrix
371. I Can't Explain, The Who
372. Marquee Moon, Television
373. Wonderful World, Sam Cooke
374. Brown Eyed Handsome Man, Chuck Berry
375. Another Brick in the Wall Part 2, Pink Floyd
376. Fake Plastic Trees,Radiohead
377. Hit the Road Jack, Ray Charles
378. Pride (In The Name of Love), U2
379. Radio Free Europe, R.E.M.
380. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Elton John
381. Tell It Like It Is, Aaron Neville
382. Bitter Sweet Symphony, The Verve
383. Whipping Post, The Allman Brothers Band
384. Ticket to Ride, The Beatles
385. Ohio, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young
386. I Know You Got Soul, Eric B and Rakim
387. Tiny Dancer, Elton John
388. Roxanne, The Police
389. Just My Imagination, The Temptations
390. Baby I Need Your Loving, The Four Tops
391. Band of Gold, Freda Payne
392. O-o-h Child, The Five Stairsteps
393. Summer in the City, The Lovin' Spoonful
394. Can't Help Falling in Love, Elvis Presley
395. Remember (Walkin' in the Sand), The Shangri-Las
396. Thirteen, Big Star
397. (Don't Fear) the Reaper, Blue Oyster Cult 398. Sweet Home Alabama, Lynyrd Skynyrd
399. Enter Sandman, Metallica
400. Kicks, Paul Revere and the Raiders

401. Tonight's the Night, The Shirelles
402. Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin), Sly & the Family Stone
403. C'mon Everybody, Eddie Cochran
404. Visions of Johanna, Bob Dylan
405. We've Only Just Begun, The Carpenters
406. I Believe I Can Fly, R. Kelly
407. In Bloom, Nirvana
408. Sweet Emotion, Aerosmith
409. Crossroads, Cream
410. Monkey Gone to Heaven, Pixies
411. I Feel Love, Donna Summer
412. Ode to Billie Joe, Bobbie Gentry
413. The Girl Can't Help It, Little Richard
414. Young Blood, The Coasters
415. I Can't Help Myself, The Four Tops
416. The Boys of Summer, Don Henley
417. Fuck tha Police, N.W.A.
418. Suite: Judy Blue Eyes, Crosby, Stills and Nash
419. Nuthin' But a 'G' Thang, Dr. Dre
420. It's Your Thing, The Isley Brothers
421. Piano Man, Billy Joel
422. Lola, The Kinks
423. Blue Suede Shoes, Elvis Presley
424. Tumbling Dice, The Rolling Stones
425. William, It Was Really Nothing, The Smiths
426. Smoke on the Water, Deep Purple
427. New Year's Day, U2
428. Devil With a Blue Dress On/Good Golly Miss Molly, Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels
429. Everybody Needs Somebody to Love, Solomon Burke
430. White Man in Hammersmith Palais, The Clash
431. Ain't It a Shame, Fats Domino
432. Midnight Train to Georgia, Gladys Knight and the Pips
433. Ramble On, Led Zeppelin
434. Mustang Sally, Wilson Pickett
435. Beast of Burden, The Rolling Stones
436. Alone Again Or, Love
437. Love Me Tender, Elvis Presley
438. I Wanna Be Your Dog, The Stooges
439. Pink Houses, John Cougar Mellencamp
440. Push It, Salt-n-Pepa
441. Come Go With Me, The Del-Vikings
442. Keep a Knockin', Little Richard
443. I Shot the Sheriff, Bob Marley and the Whailers
444. I Got You Babe, Sonny and Cher
445. Come As You Are, Nirvana
446. Pressure Drop, Toot and the Maytals
447. Leader of the Pack, The Shangri-Las
448. Heroin, The Velvet Underground
449. Penny Lane, The Beatles
450. By the Time I Get to Phoenix, Glen Campbell
451. The Twist, Chubby Checker
452. Cupid, Sam Cooke
453. Paradise City, Guns n' Roses
454. My Sweet Lord, George Harrison
455. All Apologies, Nirvana
456. Stagger Lee, Lloyd Price
457. Sheena Is a Punk Rocker, Ramones
458. Soul Man, Sam and Dave
459. Rollin' Stone, Muddy Waters
460. One Fine Day, The Chiffons
461. Kiss, Prince
462. Respect Yourself, The Staple Singers
463. Rain, The Beatles
464. Standing in the Shadows of Love, The Four Tops
465. Surrender, Cheap Trick
466. Runaway, Del Shannon
467. Welcome to the Jungle, Guns n' Roses
468. Search and Destroy, The Stooges
469. It's Too Late, Carole King
470. Free Man in Paris, Joni Mitchell
471. On the Road Again, Willie Nelson
472. Where Did Our Love Go, The Supremes
473. Do Right Woman, Do Right Man, Aretha Franklin
474. One Nation Under a Groove, Funkadelic
475. Sabotage, Beastie Boys
476. I Want to Know What Love Is,Foreigner
477. Super Freak, Rick James
478. White Rabbit, Jefferson Airplane
479. Lady Marmalade, Labelle
480. Into the Mystic, Van Morrison
481. Young Americans, David Bowie
482. I'm Eighteen, Alice Cooper
483. Just Like Heaven, The Cure
484. I Love Rock 'N Roll, Joan Jett
485. Graceland, Paul Simon
486. How Soon Is Now?, The Smiths
487. Under the Boardwalk, The Drifters
488. Rhiannon (Will You Ever Win), Fleetwood Mac
489. I Will Survive, Gloria Gaynor
490. Brown Sugar, The Rolling Stones
491. You Don't Have to Say You Love Me, Dusty Springfield
492. Running on Empty, Jackson Browne
493. Then He Kissed Me, The Crystals
494. Desperado, The Eagles
495. Shop Around, Smokey Robinson and the Miracles
496. Miss You, The Rolling Stones
497. Buddy Holly, Weezer
498. Rainy Night in Georgia, Brook Benton
499. The Boys Are Back in Town, Thin Lizzy
500. More Than a Feeling, Boston

1.Bosch: The Garden of Delights (1504) - Prado, Madrid

2.Michelangelo: Il Giudizio Universale/ Universal Judgement (1541) - Cappella Sistina, Roma

3.Ernst: Europe After the Rain II (1942) - Sumner Collection, Hartford

4.Klimt: Beethovenfries (1902) - Sezession, Wien

5.Dali: Persistence of Memory (1931) - Museum of Modern Art, New York

6.Klimt: The Virgin (1913) - National Gallery, Prague

7.Bosch: The Last Judgement (1505) - Gemaldegalerie der Akademie der Bildenden Kunste, Wien

8.Klimt: The Kiss (1908) - Belvedere, Wien

9.Botticelli: Allegoria della Primavera (1478) - Uffizi, Firenze

10.Monet: Nimphee (1926) - Orangerie, Paris

11.Dali: Metamorphose de Narcisse (1937) - Tate Gallery, London

12.Leonardo: Il Cenacolo/ The Last Supper (1497) - S.Maria delle Grazie, Milano

13.Rubens: Fall of the Damned/ Der Hollensturz der Verdammten

14.Uccello: Battaglia di San Romano/Part I (1456) - Uffizi, Firenze

15.Van Gogh: Starry Night (1889) - Museum of Modern Art, New York

16.Raffaello: Sposalizio della Vergine (1504) - Piancoteca di Brera, Milano

17.Dali: Soft Construction with Boiled Beans (1936) - Museum of Art, Philadelphia

18.Bruegel: Triumph of Death (1562) - Prado, Madrid

19.Botticelli: Nascita di Venere (1485) - Uffizi, Firenze

20.Rubens: The Adoration of the Magi, Prado, Madrid

21.Monet: Cathedrale de Rouen, Musee National d'Orsay, Paris

22.Greco: Toledo (1599) - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

23.Giotto: Cappella degli Scrovegni, Padova (1305)

24.Cranach: Flugelaltar mit dem Jungsten Gericht (1524) - Gemaldegalerie, Berlin

25.Seurat: La Parade du Cirque (1888) - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

26.Ernst: La Ville Entiere (1936) - Kunsthaus, Zurich

27.Rembrandt: Militia Company (1642) - Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam

28.Van Eyck: Madonna in the Church (1425) - Gemaldegalerie, Berlin

29.Bruegel: The Battle Between Carnival and Lent (1559) - Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien

30.Leonardo: Gioconda/ Mona Lisa (1505) - Louvre, Paris

31.Raffaello: Trasfigurazione (1519) - Pinacoteca Vaticana, Roma

32.Rousseau: Sleeping Gypsy (1897) - Museum of Modern Art, New York

33.Piero della Francesca: Leggenda della Vera Croce (1460) - S.Francesco, Arezzo

34.Van Gogh: Potato Eaters (1885) - Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam

35.Bruegel: Dutch Proverbs (1559) - Gemaldegalerie, Berlin

36.Greco: La Crucifixion (1594) - Prado, Madrid

37.Seurat: La Grande Jatte (1886) - Art Institute, Chicago

38.Altdorfer: The Battle of Alexander the Great (1529) - Alte Pinakothek, Munchen

39.Monet: The Grainstack (1896) - Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

40.Klee: Ad Marginen (1930) - Kunstmuseum, Basel

41.Rembrandt: Belshazzar's Feast (1635) - National Gallery, London

42.Van Gogh: Cypresses (1889) - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

43.Rubens: St Agustine, National Gallery, Prague

44.Van Eyck: Giovanni Arnolfini and his Wife (1434) - National Gallery, London

45.Renoir: Bal du Moulin de la Galette (1876) - Musee National d'Orsay, Paris

46.Renoir: Le Dejeuner des Canotiers (1881) - Phillips Collection, Washington

47.Goya: Aquelarre/ Il Grande Caprone (1821) - Prado, Madrid

48.Velasquez: Las Meninas (1656) - Prado, Madrid

49.Chagall: I and the Village (1911) - Museum of Modern Art, New York

50.Van der Weyden: Deposition (1435) - Prado, Madrid

51.Rembrandt: Anatomy Lesson of Dr Nicolaes Tulp (1632) - Mauritshuis, Den Haag

52.Van Eyck: Rinaldo e Armida, Louvre, Paris

53.Rousseau: Carnival Evening (1886) - Museum of Art, Philadelphia

54.Renoir: Les Parapluies/ The Umbrellas (1884) - National Gallery, London

55.Van Eyck: The Virgin of Ivers (1435) - Louvre, Paris

56.Goya: Asmodeo (1821) - Prado, Madrid

57.Greco: Lacoonte (1610) - National Gallery, Washington

58.Magritte: Specchio Falso (1928) - Museum of Modern Art, New York

59.Magritte: Condition Humain (1934) - National Gallery, Washington

60.Giacometti: Das Kreisen der Planeten (1910) - Kunsthaus, Zurich

61.Tansey: Triumph over Mastery (1986) - #, #

62.Tansey: Forward Retreat (1986) - Broad Art Foundation, #

63.Tansey: Mont Sainte-Victoire (1987) - #, #

64.Millet: Harvesters Resting (1853)

65.Veronese: Nozze di Cana (1563) - Louvre, Paris

66.DeVries: Palastarchitektur mit Badernder (1596) - Kunsthistorische Muzeum, Wien

67.Velasquez: Las Hilanderas (166?) - Prado, Madrid

68.Memling: Johannesalterarn (1490) - Kunsthistorische Muzeum, Wien

69.Bruegel: Babel Tower (1563) - Kunsthistorische Muzeum, Wien

70.Bruegel: Procession to Calvary (1564) - Kunsthistorische Muzeum, Wien

71.Bruegel: Massacre of the Innocents (1567) - Kunsthistorische Muzeum, Wien

72.Bruegel: Bethlem (1566) - Kunsthistorische Muzeum, Wien

73.Cranach: Johan Friedun (1544) - Kunsthistorische Muzeum, Wien

74.Caravaggio: Davide/ Galea (1607) - Kunsthistorische Muzeum, Wien

75.Rubens: Stormy Landscape with Philomenon/ Gemitterland Schaft mit Philenen (1625) - Kunsthistorische Muzeum, Wien

76.Rubens: Feast of Venus/ Vennsfest (1637) - Kunsthistorische Muzeum, Wien

77.Rubens: Miracle of St Ignatz (1618) - Kunsthistorische Muzeum, Wien

78.Vermeer: Malkunst (1666) - Kunsthistorische Muzeum, Wien

79.Vermeer: The Astronomer (1668) - Louvre, Paris

80.Klimt: Judith I (1901) - Belvedere, Wien

81.Klimt: Melo (1912) - Belvedere, Wien

82.Paolo Uccello: Battaglia di San Romano/Part II (1456) - National Gallery, London

83.Paolo Uccello: Battaglia di San Romano/Part III (1456) - Louvre, Paris

84.Paolo Uccello: San Giorgio e il Dragone - National Gallery, London

85.Klimt: Avenue Schloss Kaven (1912) - Belvedere, Wien

86.Klimt: Beechwood (1903) - Belvedere, Wien

87.Klimt: Fritza Riedler (1906) - Belvedere, Wien

88.Klimt: Adele Blochbauer (1907) - Belvedere, Wien

89.Schiele: Death and the Maiden (1915) - Belvedere, Wien

90.Schiele: Mother with two children (1917) - Belvedere, Wien

91.Schiele: Rainerbub (1910) - Belvedere, Wien

92.Schiele: Family (1917) - Belvedere, Wien

93.Bruegel: Sermon of St John 1566, Szepmuveszen Muzeum, Budapest

94.Bruegel: Triumph of Death (15??) - Museum fur Gegenwartskunst, Basel

95.Holbein: Nikolaus Kratzer (1528) - Louvre, Paris

96.Holbein: Georg Gisze (1532) - Louvre, Paris

97.Holbein: Ambassadors (1533) - National Gallery, London

98.Rubens: Debarquement de Marie de Medicis (1625) - Louvre, Paris

99.Dali: Apoteosis of Homer, Staatsgalerie Moderner Kunst, Munchen

100.Dali: L'Enigme du Desir (1929) - Staatsgalerie Moderner Kunst, Munchen